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Thursday, April 18, 2024 12:00 AM |
Honoring Gen. Bernardo de Gálvez at the Veterans War Memorial of Texas

Texas Daughters assembled March 26, 2024, at the Veterans War Memorial of Texas in McAllen to unveil a bronze statue of Gen. Bernardo de Gálvez. The sculpture was commissioned by the National Society to commemorate Spain’s contribution to our nation’s fight for independence from Great Britain and funded by the President General’s Project for major initiatives in conjunction with America 250! celebrations. The sculpture is the first likeness of Gálvez in Texas and the work of local artist and sculptor Douglas Clark. Gálvez led Spanish efforts to aid the Americans during the Revolution—not only smuggling supplies to the Americans but also leading a military campaign against the British that included capturing Pensacola, West Florida, by land and by sea.
Helping Out at Paws for Purple Hearts |
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Friday, December 29, 2023 12:00 AM |
Helping Out at Paws for Purple Hearts

James McHenry Chapter, NSDAR, in the San Antonio area recently met at Paws for Purple Hearts, the first organization of its kind to offer Canine Assisted Warrior Therapy. Paws for Purple Hearts produces some of the highest quality assistance dogs and programs where the warriors themselves actively train service dogs for their injured comrades. Chapter members were delighted to meet two of the Golden Retrievers in training at the facility and learned about the mission of the facility.
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Tuesday, November 28, 2023 12:00 AM |
Dr. Hammons Receives Medal for Education from TXDAR

Dr. Christopher Hammons, professor of government and director of the new Morris Family Center for Law and Liberty at Houston Christian University, has long been admired by all the Houston-area NSDAR chapters as a frequent speaker for numerous Daughters of the American Revolution meetings. He was nominated and sponsored by the John McKnitt Alexander Chapter, NSDAR, of Houston to become the recipient of the Mary Smith Lockwood Founders Medal for Education, presented by State Regent Marcy Carter-Lovick at the 2023 TXDAR State Conference.